The WRAP #29: Celebrating diversity, one voice and 60 seconds with Monique Hameed

Laurence and Annie Happy Chinese New Year 2006Laurence and Annie/flickr

Happy new year WRAP readers!

True, it is the end of February, but Chinese New Year has come around in perfect time for us to legitimately begin our first WRAP for the year by wishing you health and prosperity for 2015!

Speaking of health and prosperity, we haven’t just been sitting around the pool since December. We have been busy behind the scenes and some great and amazing things have happened for us already!

Just to name a few: we’ve begun working on the Our Voice, Changing Cultures Project with LGBTI women from immigrant and refugee backgrounds; the government announced additional funding of our National NETFA network providing prevention education for FGM/C; our Executive Director, Adele Murdolo, had the privilege of presenting at the Inaugural Asia-Pacific Conference on Gendered Violence and Violations in Sydney and; we’ve just been funded to start a new project to provide multilingual education and support for immigrant and refugee women working as carers.

So we’re going to start the year with some broad themes that are dear to our heart, talking about diversity, community leadership and collaboration in FGM/C prevention, and spending 60 seconds with our wonderful new project worker Monique Hameed.

And in case you’re wondering why this WRAP is appearing today, which is clearly not a Thursday, it’s because we’ve made a slight scheduling change. Now we’re making your Monday more multicultural!

Until next time,
The WRAP Team