Multilingual Women’s Health Education Course, July 2021D

Definitely this course has a huge impact in my life. Have learnt so much information and great experience as well. Learning more about women's health is totally amazing and at the same an eye opener, never thought some of the issues I have across during the training are existing and those things should not be ignored.

Health Education Course Participant

Multilingual Women’s Health Education Course, July 2021C

All I can say is it is the best of the courses that I have experience.

Health Education Course Participant

Multilingual Women’s Health Education Course, July 2021B

I found the quality of training exceptional. The trainers were well informed, the guest speakers were fabulous and the course material was extensive.

Health Education Course Participant

Multilingual Women’s Health Education Course, July 2021A

The training is remarkable: able to open my eyes to the world of health education in Australia in such a short time.

Health Education Course Participant

Cohealth Health Educator training

Thank you again for lasts nights session. Gagan you are a wonderful presenter and I know the group will have learnt a lot from you, I know I did! The content was pitched at the perfect level and the activities were great! Thank you Amira for your support in organising – I am looking forward to the next session!

Jasmine Phillips, Refugee and Asylum Seeker Community Engagement Coordinator (Bi-cultural project)

Intersectionality training participant

Great training. I hope this is available to many people, and is regularly offered.

Intersectionality training participant

Intersectionality training participant

I left with a greater understanding of the complex forms of violence and the need for prevention strategies that reflect that complexity

Intersectionality training participant

Intersectionality 101 participant

I feel as though my own definition and way of describing intersectionality was very generalised and I have a much deeper understanding of it now.

Intersectionality 101 participant

Intersectionality training participant

Previously I only understood intersectionality as a theoretical framework to consider issues, considering my privilege etc. Now I have a better understanding of how to practice intersectionality in my work.

Intersectionality training participant

PACE training participant, July 2019

It has been an amazing journey. I met new friends, discovered a lot about myself, and about Australian politics and health. It's a brilliant course, and really informative for women. bring together everyone onto the same platform.

PACE training participant