Media Release

Media release: Towards a Gender Equal Recovery: Jobs for Migrant and Refugee Women  

A consortia of 12 Women’s Health Services and Gender Equity Victoria (GEN VIC) have employed 50 migrant and refugee women to form a rapid response workforce to train women to disseminate COVID-19 information and deliver multilingual women’s health education in…

WRAP #82: Women’s leadership, workplace equality, 60 Seconds with Kathy Nguyen

Today marks Day Two of the 16-Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence. It’s an international campaign and here in Australia, there are so many great events running to get you active on this important issue, including MCWH’s Workplace Equality…

Media Release: Funding boost for migrant aged care workers to lead primary prevention of violence against women initiatives in the workplace

The Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Mercy Health have received funding from the Victorian Government to extend the Equality@Work project, the first gender equality and primary prevention of violence program in Australian workplaces to specifically address the needs…