The WRAP #25: Abortion Stigma, Men and 60 seconds with Sarah Soysa

Last week we went to the launch of the VicHealth 2013 National Community Attitudes Survey, which you no doubt found as profoundly disturbing as we did.

And of course it made us think about attitudes. Attitudes to violence, to women, to immigrants and refugees, to particular ethnic groups … let’s face it, there is a lot of attitude going around!

Then we thought, let’s throw some of our own attitude around: so we’re talking about abortion stigma, where men fit in the whole violence against women prevention plan and then spending 60 seconds with a woman who definitely knows how to advocate, Sarah Soysa.

This Sunday is the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. Make some noise!
And if you like our attitude, this month we’d love you to share the WRAP with someone who’d like it too.

Until next time,
The WRAP Team